Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Squeeze or stretch single-line text to fit in a space with TEXTFIT

The TEXTFIT command lets you easily squeeze or stretch existing single-line text (TEXT or DTEXT) so you can fit it into a defined space, such as a title block. TEXTFIT doesn’t work with multi-line text (MTEXT). When you start the command, you select the single-line text and TEXTFIT puts a drag-line under the text. Just pick the desired endpoint and you’re done. If you want to change the start point of the text, use the Start Point option, pick a start point and then an end point.

TEXTFIT works with existing text, but you can fit single-line text into a space when you create it, using the Align or Fit Justify options. Here are the steps:

Start the TEXT command. At the Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style]: prompt, type j and press Enter. At the Enter an option. [Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR]: prompt, type a for the Align option or f for the Fit option and press Enter. At the Specify first endpoint of text baseline: prompt, specify a start point for the text. At the Specify second endpoint of text baseline: prompt, specify an endpoint. You may want to turn on Ortho before specifying the endpoint. If you chose the Fit option, it asks you to specify a height. This option maintains that height, distorting the letters if necessary. The Align option changes the height of the text to maintain the proportion of the letters. Type your text and press Enter twice to end the command.